Results for 'William H. Meyer'

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  1. Indigenous Rights, Global Governance, and State Sovereignty.William H. Meyer - 2012 - Human Rights Review 13 (3):327-347.
    This article discusses indigenous rights within the context of global governance. I begin by defining the terms “global governance” and “indigenous peoples” and summarizing the rights that are most important to indigenous peoples. The bulk of this article studies the global governance of indigenous rights in three areas. The first example is the creation of the 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. A second example involves violations of indigenous rights brought before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. (...)
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    Choice and voice: creating a community of practice in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.Mary K. Hendrickson, Jere L. Gilles, William H. Meyers, Kenneth C. Schneeberger & William R. Folk - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (4):665-672.
    The development and utility of genetically modified crops for smallholders around the world is controversial. Critical questions include what traits and crops are to be developed; how they can be adapted to smallholders’ ecological, social and economic contexts; which dissemination channels should be used to reach smallholders; and which policy environments will enable the greatest benefits for smallholders and the rural poor. A key question is how the voices of smallholders who have experience with or desire to use GM technologies (...)
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    The Hypervisual meaning of the American West.William E. H. Meyer - 1989 - Philosophy Today 33 (1):28-41.
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    Rudolf Carnap. Introduction to symbolic logic and its applications. Englische Übersetzung der XX 274 von William H. Meyer und John Wilkinson. Dover Publications, Inc., New York1958, xiv + 241 S. [REVIEW]H. Hermes - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (2):287.
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  5. Emerson vs. Freud: Redefining the New England "Mind".William E. H. Meyer - 1987 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 62 (4):369-387.
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    Ethics Across the Curriculum—Pedagogical Perspectives.Elaine E. Englehardt, Michael S. Pritchard, Robert Baker, Michael D. Burroughs, José A. Cruz-Cruz, Randall Curren, Michael Davis, Aine Donovan, Deni Elliott, Karin D. Ellison, Challie Facemire, William J. Frey, Joseph R. Herkert, Karlana June, Robert F. Ladenson, Christopher Meyers, Glen Miller, Deborah S. Mower, Lisa H. Newton, David T. Ozar, Alan A. Preti, Wade L. Robison, Brian Schrag, Alan Tomhave, Phyllis Vandenberg, Mark Vopat, Sandy Woodson, Daniel E. Wueste & Qin Zhu - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Late in 1990, the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions at Illinois Institute of Technology (lIT) received a grant of more than $200,000 from the National Science Foundation to try a campus-wide approach to integrating professional ethics into its technical curriculum.! Enough has now been accomplished to draw some tentative conclusions. I am the grant's principal investigator. In this paper, I shall describe what we at lIT did, what we learned, and what others, especially philosophers, can learn (...)
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    Church Teaching as the ‘Language’ of Catholic Theology.William J. Hoye - 1987 - Heythrop Journal 28 (1):16-30.
    Book reviewed in this article: In Search of History: Historiography in the Ancient World and the Origins of Biblical History. By John Van Seters. The Hidden God: The Hiding of the Face of God in the Old Testament. By Samuel E. Balentine. Theodicy in the Old Testament. Edited by James L. Crenshaw. Ce Dieu censé aimer la Souffrance. By François Varone. Evil and Evolution, A Theodicy. By Richard W. Kropf. ‘Poet and Peasant’ and ‘Through Peasant Eyes’: A Literary‐Cultural Approach to (...)
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    Book Review: Attic Document Reliefs: Art and Politics in Ancient Athens. [REVIEW]William C. West - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (3):465-467.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Attic Document Reliefs: Art and Politics in Ancient AthensWilliam C. WestCarol L. Lawton. Attic Document Reliefs: Art and Politics in Ancient Athens. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995. xxii 1 167 pp. 96 pls. Cloth, $100. (Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology)Although long recognized as a distinct genre, the reliefs on documents have not been collected comprehensively and studied for their own sake. They are set above the texts of honorary (...)
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    Retention of visual and name codes of single letters.Michael I. Posner, Stephen J. Boies, William H. Eichelman & Richard L. Taylor - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (1p2):1.
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    Morality, Rules, and Consequences: A Critical Reader.Brad Hooker, Elinor Mason, Dale E. Miller, D. W. Haslett, Shelly Kagan, Sanford S. Levy, David Lyons, Phillip Montague, Tim Mulgan, Philip Pettit, Madison Powers, Jonathan Riley, William H. Shaw, Michael Smith & Alan Thomas (eds.) - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    What determines whether an action is right or wrong? Morality, Rules, and Consequences: A Critical Reader explores for students and researchers the relationship between consequentialist theory and moral rules. Most of the chapters focus on rule consequentialism or on the distinction between act and rule versions of consequentialism. Contributors, among them the leading philosophers in the discipline, suggest ways of assessing whether rule consequentialism could be a satisfactory moral theory. These essays, all of which are previously unpublished, provide students in (...)
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  11. Aims of education: A conceptual inquiry.Richard S. Peters, John Woods & William H. Dray - forthcoming - The Philosophy of Education.
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    Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Mill on Utilitarianism.Roger Crisp, Geoffrey Scarre & William H. Shaw - 1997 - Mind 109 (436):873-879.
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  13. The Lonely Crowd.David Reisman, C. Wright Mills, William H. Whyte & Vance Packard - 1959 - Science and Society 23 (4):317-332.
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  14. Jörg Pflüger/Robert Schurz: Der maschinelle Charakter.H. Meyer - 1989 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 37 (1):89.
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    Ecological Ethics and the Human Soul: Aquinas, Whitehead, and the Metaphysics of Value.William J. Meyer - 2011 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 31 (1):227-229.
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    (1 other version)On the Heuristic Value of Scientific Models.H. Meyer - 1949 - Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy 2:862-865.
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    Experimental note: Cross-modal, visual-auditory picture-word interference.H. Schriefers & A. S. Meyer - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (5):418-420.
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    Psychology: An Elementary Text-Book.H. Ebbinghaus & M. F. Meyer - 1908 - Dc Heath.
    Psychology has a long past, yet its real history is short. For thousands of years it has existed and has been growing older; but in the earlier part of this period it cannot boast of any continuous progress toward a riper and richer development. In the fourth century before our era that giant thinker, Aristotle, built it up into an edifice comparing very favorably with any other science of that time. But this edifice stood without undergoing any noteworthy changes or (...)
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  19. Zum Gegenstand der marxistischen Soziologie und zum Verhältnis von Soziologie und Philosophie.H. Meyer - 1965 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 13 (6):739.
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  20. Preface to William Penn, James Madison and the historical Crisis of american Federalism.William H. Bruening - unknown
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  21. Zur gesellschaftlichen Funktion der Rationalität.H. Meyer - 1983 - Philosophia Naturalis 20 (1):72-96.
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    Resemblance and Identity.H. Meyer - 1947 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 12 (2):63-63.
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    'Et respondeat': Studien zum deutschen Theater des Mittelalters.Christoph H. F. Meyer - 2002 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
    Das 12. Jahrhundert gilt als eine Epoche gro.
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    Naturwissenschaft und logik.H. Meyer - 1939 - Synthese 4 (1):599-600.
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  25. Zur empirischen Philosophie Arnold Gehlens.H. Meyer - 1986 - Philosophia Naturalis 23 (4):399-423.
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    Darwin in a new key: evolution and the question of value.William J. Meyer - 2016 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    Can one coherently integrate Darwin's view of evolution with an affirmation of the value of existence? In this fresh, lean, and substantive volume, William Meyer addresses this important question. By carefully analyzing Darwin's own writings and by drawing on the philosophical perspectives of William James, Alfred North Whitehead, and others, Meyer persuasively redirects the cultural conversation about Darwin away from the retrospective question of origins toward the prospective question concerning the ultimate significance of evolutionary life. As (...)
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  27. Le Rôle médiateur de la logique.H. Meyer - 1958 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 8 (32):349-350.
  28. Note. Editorial.H. Meyer - 1946 - Synthese 5 (5/6):192.
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  29. On definitions in Symbolic Logic II.H. Meyer - 1946 - Synthese 5 (7/8):353.
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  30. The Cerebral Symphony: Seashore Reflections on the Structure of Consciousness.William H. Calvin - 1989 - New York: Bantam.
    Neurobiologist William Calvin explores the human brain, positing that the neurons in the brain operate in an accelerated version of biological evolution, evolving ideas through random variations and selections, and supports his hypothesis with numerous ca.
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    Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche: The Philosopher of the Second Reich.William H. F. Altman - 2012 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    By subjecting Nietzsche to a Platonic critique, author William H. F. Altman punctures his “pose of untimeliness” while making use of Nietzsche’s own aphoristic style of presentation. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche—named for a Prussian King—is thereby revealed to be the representative philosopher of the Second Reich.
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    Value and Conceptions of the Whole: The Views of Dewey, Nagel, and Gamwell.William J. Meyer - 2020 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 41 (1):53-76.
    William James once suggested that the underlying difference between empiricists and rationalists is that empiricists explain wholes in terms of parts, while rationalists explain parts in relation to wholes.1 Whatever the merits of this description, it is fair to say that modern thought has predominantly followed the empiricist habit of emphasizing parts and particularity rather than wholes and totality. This essay explores the views of three philosophers who have challenged this dominant trend. In various ways, John Dewey, Thomas Nagel, (...)
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  33. (1 other version)The Intellectual Adventure of Early Mankind: An Essay on Speculative Thought in the Ancient near East.H. Frankfort, H. A. Frankfort, John A. Wilson, Thorkild Jacobsen & William A. Irwin - 1948 - Science and Society 12 (2):260-266.
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  34. Essays, Comments, and Reviews the Works of William James, Volume XVII.William James, Frederick H. Burkhardt, Fredson Bowers & Ignas K. Skrupskelis - 1988 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 24 (4):572-580.
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    Marketing Archaeology.William H. Krieger - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (5):923-939.
    In the 19th century, ‘scientific archaeologists’ split from their antiquarian colleagues over the role that provenience (context) plays in the value of an artifact. These archaeologists focus on documenting an artifact’s context when they remove it from its original location. Archaeologists then use this contextual information to place these artifacts within a particular larger assemblage, in a particular time and space. Once analyzed, the artifacts found in a site or region can be used to document, to understand, and explain the (...)
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  36. Heidegger's theory of art.William H. Bossart - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 27 (1):57-66.
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    From Inverted Spectra to Colorless Qualia: A Wittgensteinian Critique.William H. Brenner - 2014 - Philosophical Investigations 38 (4):360-381.
    This is terribly hard, Thouless, I'm sorry. I have thought over all this for years. … It is now as if we had ploughed furrows in different parts of a field. There is a lot left to do. Judging from their writings, most contemporary analytic philosophers have not been persuaded that “the inverted spectrum problem” is – as Wittgenstein maintained – really a conceptual puzzle calling for dissolution, rather than a straight problem calling for a solution. In this paper, I (...)
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    Wem gehört Heimat?Lukas H. Meyer, Barbara Reiter & Helmut Konrad (eds.) - 2020 - Graz: Leykam.
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    Untersuchungen zur Problematik der Sogenannten Synthetischen Sätze Apriori.William H. Baumer - 1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (2):297-298.
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    Truth-value Semantics for the Theory of Types.H. Leblanc & R. K. Meyer - 1970 - In Karel Lambert, Philosophical problems in Logic. Dordrecht,: Reidel. pp. 77--101.
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    Aquinas on the Evaluation of Human Actions.William H. Marshner - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (3):347-370.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AQUINAS ON THE EVALUATION OF HUMAN ACTIONS WILLIAM H. MARSHNER Christendom College Front Royal, Virginia AMONG THE questions dealt with in the Prima Secundae are those of what moral goodness "is" and on what basis it is attributed to some human actions but denied of others. Aquinas's answers are currently a matter of contention between the proportionalists and their critics, as is his answer to the question of (...)
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    Depression and self‐reported functional status: impact on mortality following acute myocardial infarction.Paul A. Kurdyak, Alice Chong, William H. Gnam, Paula Goering & David A. Alter - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (3):444-451.
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    Untersuchungen zum Satzbau des Paschto.H. P. & Johannes Christian Meyer-Ingwersen - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):381.
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    Ascent to the Good: The Reading Order of Plato’s Dialogues From Symposium to Republic.William H. F. Altman - 2018 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This study reconsiders Plato’s “Socratic” dialogues—Charmides, Laches, Lysis, Euthydemus, Gorgias, and Meno—as parts of an integrated curriculum. By privileging reading order over order of composition, a Platonic pedagogy teaching that the Idea of the Good is a greater object of philosophical concern than what benefits the self is spotlighted.
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    Marcus Tullius Cicero, On Duties. Translated with Introduction, Notes, and Indexes, written by Benjamin Patrick Newton.William H. F. Altman - 2018 - Polis 35 (1):306-311.
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    Socrates and Divine Revelation by Lewis Fallis.William H. F. Altman - 2019 - Review of Metaphysics 72 (3):597-598.
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    Socrates in Plato’s Philebus.William H. F. Altman - 2022 - In Claudia Marsico, Socrates and the Socratic Philosophies: Selected Papers from Socratica IV. Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag. pp. 141-150.
  48. Bargaining in the Shadow of the European Microsoft Decision: The Microsoft-Samba Protocol License, 102 Nw. UL Rev.William H. Page & Seldon J. Childers - unknown
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    Aristocrats and Archaeologists: An Edwardian Journey on the Nile. By Toby Wilkinson and Julian Platt.William H. Peck - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (3):777.
    Aristocrats and Archaeologists: An Edwardian Journey on the Nile. By Toby Wilkinson and Julian Platt. Cairo: the American University in Cairo Press. 2017, Pp. xv + 144, illus., maps. $29.95. [Distributed by Oxford University Press].
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    Optimized Naive-Bayes and Decision Tree Approaches for fMRI Smoking Cessation Classification.Amirhessam Tahmassebi, Amir H. Gandomi, Mieke H. J. Schulte, Anna E. Goudriaan, Simon Y. Foo & Anke Meyer-Baese - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-24.
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